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國際青年領袖夏令營 - 心得文章





當我進到營隊時,報到當天我是台灣人的最後一位,當時的我懷著忐忑的心情,擔心自己的能力,擔心無法跟其他人溝通,擔心著許多的擔心,事實證明我的許多擔心都是多餘的,我的室友是一位年紀比我小的台灣小弟弟,( 後來他竟然成了我的學弟 ) ,破冰的自我介紹,熱我消彌了以往對對岸學生的誤解,他們大部分是大學生,而且熱情、態度好、英文能力又好,讓我對自己的能力更是小小緊張一下,在後來的幾天我與大家打成一片,所有的顧慮全都沒了,他們都是抱持著學習與交流真誠的的心情來參與這個活動,態度真是一個重要的課題,一開始便讓上了重要的一課。

課程與討論中都是全部以英文為主,中文為輔,我們這組有個醫生特別優秀,因為每一組都要討論一個專題的報告,像是What is a leadership?、Global Leader for tomorrow competition,大多是有關未來的展望以及未來全球的競爭壓力,與競爭的方式,我們在做報告的時候依然是以whole english的方式在進行這報告,不管是在討論或是跟老師請教,都是team work 一個團隊缺一不可!大家都必須參與到。我也了解到了不管是不是用英文,一個團隊就是一個團隊,大家都需要盡一份力才會使這個團體成功,這又是重要的五個課題--團結力量大、腦力激盪、溝通協調、如何傾聽及表達 沒有誰是一個人就可以完所有的事情,透過大家的不同知識學習表達及溝通協調中獲得最佳的討論結果,一個好的領導者必須會傾聽及互相協調才能做出最好的決策,都在課程中讓我們體會,著實獲益良多。


Power of Connection - iYES國際青年領袖營心得


Stepping down the bus at Fo Guang University, breathing the quite fresh air, looking at each student wearing big smiles, at that moment, I firmly believed there would be a marvelous journey waiting for me in this camp! This camp was called International Youth Leadership Camp, which is founded by AIEF in Taiwan. To my delight, through the camp's courses and activities, I acquired limitless concepts and viewpoints which I hadn't got before; most importantly, I learned to have confidence, and to "dream big" because "I can be a leader."

Before joining the camp, I was a girl that didn't have confidence in myself, and didn't consider myself a leader because I thought others always were better than me. However, when I attended the camp and immersed myself into it, my attitude towards myself thoroughly changed. There were many students coming from different countries and different cultural backgrounds such as Beijing, Malaysia, Canada, and Taiwan. Originally, I felt greatly excited about the "international" environment and thought of the camp as a precious platform and opportunity for me to contact with people having different cultures and languages. Nevertheless, my timid and unconfident characteristics, like the devil, appeared in my mind; consequently, I was afraid of speaking during the discussion time. To my surprise, my team members, who mostly came from Mainland China, broke my fear through their passion, friendly attitude, and the most important key- confidence. They were kind, passionate, and always willing to show what they thought about; gradually, I was affected by them and tried to talked about my ideas and feeling, and to share my thought with them. I was surprised with my change, and felt I had grown up to be a "leader" step by step.

During the lessons and activities of the camp, I found and acquired the most important and precious treasure, and that was the power of "connection" and "influence". Not only the successful people who were introduced by the trainers or great lecturers in the courses but my new friends, who came from different countries using their confidence and vitality to change myself, they all taught me the same lesson- the power of connection. A great leader was never alone; they must have followers, and most importantly, each follower was a leader, too. Only the connection of people can change the world!

The camp really taught me a lot, no matter through the courses, lessons, or through the interaction with youth from different cultures and nations. I trust I would never be timid or unconfident anymore because I have already learned the meaning of a great "tribe leader" and "future leader". However, "my" connection wouldn't cease at the end of the camp; I would do my best to pass forward the knowledge, hopefulness, and the brand-new leadership. Hopefully, I could be a truly successful leader- not only to lead myself, but give others delight and power. Thanks all my dear trainers, my new friends, and the camp for teaching me the greatest lessons in my life.

Aief iYes Leadership Summer Camp

徐竟( Camille)

I have never thought that 8 days could be this short. From the very first day to the last, not only did I learn how to embrace other cultures but I also had an eye-opening experience at Fo Guang University along with our instructors.

At first, I was really afraid of talking to others in my group. On the first hand, because almost everyone here is older than me, on the other hand, it's actually quite tough for me to discuss with others since I'm not familiar with the Beijing accent. Once they talk too fast, I can barely understand what are they trying to say. However, things has changed day by day. After taking classes and touring around together, between our members we had something like a strong bond, there was no such a thing called cultural barrier. The preparation of our presentation went really well, and we all had a blast working together on it. I think this just shows the camp's theme- "One World, Same Dream."

Among these days, we also took lots of courses. The first one was Dr. Lei's presentation, about marching towards a brave new world. Had it not been for her, I would probably never know the ‘KIVA’ project. Additionally there were also Mr. Stanley Yen, Ms, Cher-Jean Lee's presentation as well. Mr. Yen’s speech was the most profound of all to me. It's his attitude that make’s him so successful today. Like our instructor Sabrina said, "Pay attention to details," that's how you deal with things. In the group discussion classes, Lee and Sarah (our other instructors) showed us several videos from TED, then made deeper discussions into the topic of leadership. Another important point I learn from it is to believe in yourself. That's the foundation of everything.

It was no surprised that these days has gone so well. The camp soon came to it's end. But the spirit we gained from here is going to be "passed forward" to more and more people. The program really did widen my horizons and changed some of my perspectives toward life. The last but not the least, hopefully I will have the chance to see these amazing people next year.

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